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warning buzzer sounds in 83 ford cargo?

hi, when i turn the key on to run (before even turning engine over) my 83 ford cargo makes a loud electric buzzer tone from the dashboard (fuse panel area). And it wont start. turns over tho. I cant think of anything thats changed since i last drove it. Its always been a good starter. can anyone help?? thankyou.

nic mcgowan
May 2008
start engine to fill air tanks, stop engine put foot on footbrake and get someone underneath truck to listen for air leak, when found repair leak.

July 2008
I would of said more likely to be electrical fault on buzzer as low air pressure alone would not stop truck starting and should go off once air is up .A slow leak could go down overnight but once build up again would be ok any leak greater would be easly heard when stopped. The dash boards in first cargos were not that reliable i had a doggy y reg one once.

May 2008
I would say that if you left the lorry parked up for 6 weeks, you could expect that the pressure would have dropped alright and the buzzer would sound as soon as you turn the key to the "acc" position. Small leakage is not a problem but if the buzzer is sounding every morning then you have a more serious leak. A lot of the air-lines are plastic and they are susceptible to damage - a good example being if anyone does any welding on or near the body or chassis, weld spatter could land on an air-line and melt the plastic causing a leak.

May 2008
hey thanks much for the answer. could you tell me... what would that be a typical time for the resevoirs to loose pressure in a 'normal' way? Say if the truck was parked up for six weeks unused.... would it be not unusual for the low pressure buzzer to sound? or should pressure stay excellent over long periods of inactivity? appreciate your support. cheers.

nic mcgowan
May 2008
further to my question... the truck is now starting. ive sorted a small fuel pump problem. However the buzzer remains . it buzzes until the engine has been running for a minute. once the engine is warm (driven a bit) you can turn off the engine and start it again with out the buzzer sounding. does any one know what this could be? is it low air pressure? a battery charging problem? fuel pressure (that weak pump problem)? electrical short detected? if anyone knows the older euro ford cargos and can help with this question i'd sure appreciate it. thanks.

nic mcgowan
May 2008
The buzzer is the low pressure warning buzzer. If the air pressure in the reservoirs is too low (i.e less than about 70 psi) the buzzer sounds and the truck will not move, as there is insufficient air pressure to release the brakes.
You may not have heard this buzzer before because you possibly now have a slow air leak somewhere in the system which is causing the pressure in system to drop when parked up.

May 2008
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