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Mend Homelite Chainsaws

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Mend Homelite Pull Cord

homelite pull cord won't even pull?

I used my chainsaw to cut down a 50 ft. sweet gum tree and chop it up. It was oiling the chain but I noticed as I came to the end that it was not cutting as well as it used to. After shutting it off, I tried to restart it 3 days later and the pull cord won't even pull. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it? Homelite Timberman 45 cc 20"

Scott Haskett
July 2005
My pullcord worked the other day and now it pulls about half an inch then is jammed

September 2023
what you probly did is the mixed the gas and oil wrong and sezed you moter

April 2007
Take starter assembly off and try to turn engine by hand, if it does then check out the starter. If OK take off the exhaust and look to see if there is damage on the face of the piston-upright lines-if so jack up tthe fuel cap and slide a new saw under as it is the most cost effective solution

Chainsaw Tony
July 2005
souds like its sized did u use fuel with oil in it?
if not thats probably it. also i had a chainsaw and the roller baring broke and jamed up the piston. best bet is to take it to get looked at by a pro any way just good luck :)

July 2005
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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