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Mend Craftsman Lawn Mowers

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Mend Craftsman Model Mower Problems

How can I fix my Craftsman model 536.270270 mid-engine rider?

I've used this mower for 3 seasons since buying it new. Because of drive problems with it I've changed all the belts, the variator pulley, and an idler pulley. The main problem is that the tractor shreds the new primary drive belt almost immediately after installation. What's causing this? How much of the drive link thread should initially extend beyond the adjustable nut when installing a new primary drive belt? An on-line drawing and parts list for the transaxle calls out a 32 oz. bottle of grease. Can this be easily added to the transaxle? Mine has leaked a bit. Thanks for taking my question.


Mike Ross
April 2008
I used 5/8 washers to keep the variator assembly in a fixed position, doesnt slide up or down or end up in an angle , stuck at a steady speed , but works for me for now . mowers around 2k and up , ugh, variator over 400$
June 2022
The 4 plastic guides may? press in if there any to be found.

July 2012
The variator pulley is wore out ,the part in the center that slides up and down on the 4 bolts has slop in it makes it not level when engaged. The part in the middle has 4 plastic inserts that wear out that making the part run at a angle thats what eats the P belt needs to run level. The part is welded. Need inserts and welder to replace. Try item 1001133ma $217 + free shipping no tax tax only for OK

July 2012
My Craftsman model 536.270270 mower will only drive in reverse.When I try to shift it to neutral or forward, the shifter want move. Can I repair this myself?

March 2010
Make sure either belt is not on the outside of one of the pulley guard pins. Had the same problem, did it to two belts before catching it!

August 2009
Had the exact same problem. Replaced the variator assembly and the belt works fine. The part is expensive (about $140 online) for what it is, but it sure beats paying $20/belt. Once the assembly was replaced, my belt has worked for months with little sign of wear.

May 2009
I don't have the answer, but was wondering if you ever found the solution? I HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM. The new belt gets shredded after installation. I was about to purchase a variator pulley. Sounds like that may not do the trick. Any advice here would be appreciated.

February 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Click here to mend Craftsman lawn mowers

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Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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