Check to make sure the oiler port is open and not filled up w/ dirt. If you replaced the bar w/ non oem part, the oil port could covered-not allowing oil to come out to chain. What happens when you pump the oiler button?
Parts: I just rebuilt my 1980 Super XL auto. First go to, parts/service, then you'll be refered to another website, choose products, then Homelite, chainsaws, then scroll down to find your UT#. This will give you an exploded view of your saw and the part #s. I found some people who stock oem parts: Bill Walcott, (785) 562-3539, Sam at Hawkins & Milner (573) 588-4731, and Randy (937) 927-5429 (Randy was very nice and provided me w/ alot of good tech advise on how to repair my saw the "right way", and adjust cab mixures).
Next, I found and downloaded ($5 bucks) from ebay the official Homelite/Textron shop service manual that covers our saws. This provided alot of detail I would't have known plus all the torque spec values.
Hope this helps. Let me know how it works out. I spent alot of time researching this, doing the homework really paid off-my saw was repaired right, and really runs like new now after replacing the cylinder and piston as a result of a seizure. Something I know now is that I had the high speed mixure set too lean causing this damage.
Feel free to email me directly for more info Good luck.
April 2008