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Mend Electric Cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
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Mend > Electric Cookers

Mend Type Broken Handle

What type of glue to use to repair broken bakelite handle?

I have a piece of aluminum cookware that has a bakelite handle. It was accidentally dropped and a portion of the handle broke off resulting in two pieces which go back together very well with hardly any missing bakelite. I would like to salvage this cookware as it is almost an antique(like me) and am wondering which type of modern day glue or adhesive will do the trick and be strong and permanent.

T Hulen
February 2008
try mighty putty- I had the same problem and it works great. the handle is still in place. you mix the 2 parts together and stick in on the handle. great stuff

November 2008
Araldite Rapid.

February 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
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