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Mend Neff Electric Cookers

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Mend Neff Remove Oven Door

How do I remove a Neff Oven door?

The glass on the inside has come away. To take it to the shop, I need to remove the door. Can I have instructions on how to unscrew the door? The only details I have is that it's a Neff oven

Hazel Grostate
January 2008
See this video from Neff themselves.

March 2009
Open the door and at the base of the hinges you will see a disc with a fine slot in it; using a flat bladed screwdriver turn these discs about 90 degrees. then when you lever down gently on the door you will be able to withdraw the hinges complete.
The outer glasss is removed by unscrewing the two screws at the base of the door. Place on a flat surface beforehand. Slide the glass out of the handle assembly.
As for fixing the glass inside I think if is retained by silicone compound. I'm about to find out myself by trial and error.

Martin Silk
October 2008
Take a look at this video and it may give you the answer

May 2008
open the door and look at the chrome hinges - there are circular shapes on the door with notches cut out - use a screwdriver or similar to rotate the shape so the hinge arm is stopped from retracting by the shape, then lift up the door and the hinge arms will release from the housing. To refit do the reverse.

tony bee
March 2008
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