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Mend New Will Start Wont Rev

New Chainsaw will start but won't rev?

Hi was using chainsaw fine 15 20 mins and it then would not rev.Thought it had run out of fuel.Mixed up some fresh new fuel - same. Plug gap OK.Will eventually start on Choke with throttle in start position but will not run. Suspect fuel starvation. Any tips would be welcome.Also another saw won't even fire - good spark + gap OK + new fuel. Any thoughts
Model is :Tarus chainsaw 42cc 18" - I know!!

Mike Moore
January 2008
Re your Tarus 4500, I have the same model and problem. I tried replacing the CDI magneto assembly, new plug, hot plug, injecting fuel into the chamber. Nothing works. Did you ever get yours started? If so how?
Mine ran for about 1 hour in total.

October 2009
Carburettor fuel filter was gummed up. Cleaned out now OK
Thanks to all

Mike Moore
February 2008
HI Again - Chainsaw is Brand new and has done only 15 -20 mins work until it started acting up - tank filter is spotless Would a carb cleaner help?

January 2008
I have found over the years that most well maintained chainsaws that do not run right after you adjust carb,clean air filter,replace fuel filter and spark plug will need a carb rebuild.If that does not work you have a more serious problem like bad coils,worn seals something inside engine that is worn out.

January 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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