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Mend Siemens RDJ10RF Home Heating Systems

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Mend Siemens RDJ10RF Programmable Room Thermostat

Instructions to set siemens RDJ10RF programmable room thermostat?

Instructions on how to set/alter a Siemens RDJ 10 RF programmable room theromostat.Its still set on factory settings!

jill grzesiczek
January 2008
I have replaced the batteries on my rdj1orf and I cant get it to operate any ideas, Does it need resetting or something.

John Parkinson
November 2015
Omg tapping the little box with the green and orange light on actually works! Thanks :) we'll see how long for though.....

February 2014
if you are having problems with your siemens rdj1orf , then try this it works for us . gently tap the little box with the green and orange light and your central heating will work straight away . we found this solution by accident after resetting the system at least 4 times with no joy , then we gently tapped it out of frustration and amazingly it just started up , the wires all seem to be correctly fitted but it continues to let us down when it feels like it , the solution above works every time , not ideal i know but its the only way to getting heating , the frustrating part it that the system is only 3 years old

March 2013
hello i have a siemens room thermostat rdj1orf/set when it is on timer setting it will start as normal but will not turn off at the finnish time . thanks for any help

February 2013
i lost instructions for using

tatjana mihailova
August 2011
how dose the timer work on the thermostat

November 2010
yeah I know how you feel I'm on my second stat and it works as bad as the other...I've reset it loads of times but after a couple of days the dreaded red light flashes, I'm gonna buy a different make, then put the Siemens in a jiffy bag and smash it to bits with a hammer and send it Siemens ha ha. If you want to reset your siemens here is the link just scroll down the page for the instructions it works fine for resetting

October 2010
I am having a problem with this system. It seems to only switch the heating on if the overide button is pressed. It seems to switch off OK.

The green light does not stay on and flits between red and green for no apparent reason.

Linda Watts
September 2010
I have the full set of instructions, contact me at
Not a very reliable system, transmitter keeps resetting to 17:25; locks up. Whole system then requires setting up from scratch. Had a replacement transmitter, no change, and same faults.

Gordon J Brown
January 2008
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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