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Mend Glow Worm 50

Glow worm micron 50ff boilerstat?

Hi, I have a Micron 50 ff which seems to work perfectly in that the burner comes on when required and heats water for hot water cylinder and central heating. However when it gets hot the boiler stat turns the burner off while the pump continues to circulate the water. the problem is that it takes a long time before the burner comes back on, and the water circulating the radiators is by then only warm. eventually the burner comes back on and the circulating water starts to heat again. I.e. there seems to be a long delay before the boilerstat switches back in again.

Does anyone know if this is normal or have an idea of possible cause, or is areplacement of boilerstat a likely cure. I am an electronics engineer and have done most of my own plumbing so would be confident to tackle such a task.

Many thanks


bob dibb
December 2007
hi bob i had a sililar prob. with my 50 ff and i changed the pcb and it took ages for the boiler to come back in apperently as i have been told you need to change the boiler stat as well as the pcb as its not really a stat more a thermistor and the pcb and trermistor must be compatibal so i changed the thermistor and its working better but now it locks out sometimes when the programmer cuts the feed to the boiler and pump and i have to reset it manually about once or twice a week .so im looking for and answer to this currently .i guess the real ans is to stear clear of glowworm as the last wall boileer i had was an Ideal..a nd i got ten years trouble free service ..i only changed ti to update ...i regret that move sincearly

August 2008
Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
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