Give Nelson Stokes a ring on 01840 213711 we will make them up for you.
May 2008
I was given a good tip by someone else about prolonging the life of these brake hoses -especially the front ones. Get some soft flexible tubing or hose and slit it. Wrap this hose around the outside of your brake hoses and secure with cable ties. Otherwise there is a tendancy for the brake hoses to rub against each other and chafe each other and these hoses are getting hard to find.
January 2008
Try MDA Bitec they advertise on ebay, under Ford cargo . I have dealt with them many times as they are a relatively local company to me. new rear brake hose from Ford cost me £68.00 +vat for my 811.f reg. Bitec do them for about £39. Mention ad on ebay if you phone.Other cargo bits on sale.
December 2007
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