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Mend Set Auto Unable

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We have 12 questions about mending 'set auto unable'

How to mend ... Set Auto Unable

Mend auto oven diplomat

timer set on auto and unable to use oven by resetting it?

diplomat select 920. clock on 00.00 auto. Tried all the answers on the section which worked for others but no... [Read more]
Mend set auto unable

How can I set the clock/timer on my ariston oven?

Clock is flashing 0 s and auto unable to set the clock
Mend set oven auto

How can I set the clock/timer on my ariston oven?

Clock is flashing 0 s and auto unable to set the clock
Mend clock auto ovens

how can i fix the clock on a zce7701x?

how do i get to the wiring for the clock? the cooker is in auto mode and i am unable to set the clock so the o... [Read more]
Mend diplomat select 620 s

Diplomat Select 620 S?

Hi there We had a power cut and now I am unable to reset the clock. At present it reads 0:00 with 'AUTO' run... [Read more]
Mend renault scenic fault

no power to Renault Grande Scenic - how can I fix intermittent fault?

I have an 05 Grande Scenic and 3 wks ago I went to start it but had no power - display lit up faintly then not... [Read more]
Mend reset power cut

AEG Select 620 by Diplomat - How do I reset the clock? ?

AEG Select 620 by Diplomat. We had a power cut and now I am unable to reset the clock. At present it reads... [Read more]
Mend problem auto petrol

mercedes immobiliser problem c200 auto elegance petrol?

my immobiliser is set and i am unable to unlock the immobiliser and get the car started, the green light insid... [Read more]
Mend time set knob

Fix the loose time set knob?

Electric Neff Circotherm oven Serial Number, GB-1037,53LHSG or 195,304703 or 11800305. numbers from the pla... [Read more]
Mend cannon oven hour

How can I fix my cannon camberley double oven clock/timer?

I had a powercut on Friday night for approx 1 hour and since then the timer has been unable to set. I can set... [Read more]
Mend problem auto unable

mercedes immobiliser problem. mercedes c220 auto 1995 elegance?

my immobiliser is set and i am unable to unlock the immobiliser and get the car started. The red and green lig... [Read more]
Mend rsf hot central

Ravenheat Fanned Combi RSF 82ET - Hot water but no Central Heating?

Hi there, my ravenheat combi works fine when I turn on the hot water taps but the central heating has not work... [Read more]

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