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Mend Remote Bush Tv

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How to mend ... Remote Bush Tv

Pages 54321
Mend remote tv control

how can i get the code for my sky remote for a bush tv?

can any body give any codes for a bush portable tv for a sky remote control. Have tried lots of different on... [Read more]
Mend bush sky tv

bush itv6600 adjusting screen size?

i have just got sky+ and now my tv shows some channels as full screen and others as small screen with black bo... [Read more]
Mend bush remote control help

tv code?

hi,i have a bush tv and NSE URC22 remote control but i dont know the code,can anyone help please?
Mend 19 inch tv

bush 19 inch HD ready digital tv ?

I turned my TV off on Thursday night. When I switched on again on Friday there were no channels. When I presse... [Read more]
Mend tvrc4n 4 1 remote control

I have a TVRC4N 4 in 1 remote control. ?

The outside of the pack says it is suitable for Bush TVs. However the inside instruction leaflet does not give... [Read more]
Mend bush remote second

how can i fix my [tv bush WS7674SIL?

when i switch the tv on by the remote or by the tv its self it comes on for a second and then goes back to sta... [Read more]
Mend code bush tv remote

silvercrest code for bush internet tv?

anyone know the code for bush internet tv for my silvercrest remote rch7s52
Mend lcd turn red

how can i fix my bush, lcd tv, idlcd32tv22hd?

When i turn on the tv the red standy light comes on, when i press the button on the remote control the green l... [Read more]
Mend lost book tv

lost the book to the remote?

hi there in my room i have a cd player, cd player, a satillate reciever and a tv, so thats a lot of remote... [Read more]
Mend programme tv remote

Programme Bush TV using 1 in 1 TVRC1N remote control?

Have just purchased the above TVRC1N as the remote belonging to my TV has broken. I have a Bush Digital TV. ... [Read more]
Mend lock tv control

How can I unlock the child lock on a Bush 6694 tv without the remote?

We put the child lock on our Bush 6694 tv using the remote control. All was well until our 20 month old son de... [Read more]
Mend universal remote control

i have a universal remote control?

i would like the code number for a bush portable tv number 050 b2391101078
Mend controller working fine

how can i fix Bush WS6680SIL TV?

t TV does not respond to remote controller, Remote working fine.
Mend bush tv old

bush tv (old)?

the remote control for my bush tv has been lost and i have been informed a replacement is not available. since... [Read more]
Mend remote control tune

Eaten remote?

My dog has eaten the remote control to our bush tv and we are unable to tune it in the digital mode. Can you h... [Read more]
Mend settings bush tv

What are the standard settings for a Bush WS6680SIL TV?

Hi My TV (Bush WS6680SIL) managed to get itself into the service menu (clever trick... all I did was pick ... [Read more]
Mend Video, Televisions

unlocking the panel?

how do i unlock the tv pannel without a remote control of a bush smart focus 40inch projector tv serial number... [Read more]
Mend code remote control

Code for Sky remote control?

Does anyone know the code to enter for a sky remote control the TV is a BUSH LCD32TV016HD. I phoned sky and t... [Read more]
Mend standby button flashing

No picture on Bush IDLCD27TV006?

My standby button is flashing and I cannot get the TV on. Have changed the batteries in the remote but made n... [Read more]
Mend bush tv work

bush tv. can not get digital programs to work?

bush idlcd32tv22hd tv. on setup digital and analogue channels loaded ok. now only analogue works.when switched... [Read more]
Pages 54321

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