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Mend Player Not Cd

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How to mend ... Player Not Cd

Mend vdo cdr 500

vdo cdr 500?

i sent my vauxhall vectra for repair the garage had to disconnect the battery when i got it back the cd player... [Read more]
Mend cd changer bought

how to fix a bauplaukt 6 cd changer in a pegoeut 207 sw?

bought the car second hand and the cd player has never workred. can put cd in but then doesn't register they ... [Read more]
Mend sony cd player

sony 6006e cd player?

I have 2 cd's inserted and cannot play/eject them, nor can i insert further cd's. Error message E3 appears.
Mend sound fit car

Renault radio/cd no sound?

Have tried to fit Renault radio/cd player in car to replace aftermarket cd player which previous owner had fit... [Read more]
Mend times player going

volume goes off at times n cd player?

The volume on my cd player has started going on and off why is that?
Mend cd player lens

cleaning cd player lens?

The Siemens GPS unit on my Peugeot 406 uses a CD. It now says it cannot read the disc. I believe the lens has... [Read more]
Mend cd player going

my car radio?

i have ford 600 rds cd player in my ford escourt it keeps going of and it shows on the screen phone can you te... [Read more]
Mend long time cd

Disk keep spinning/seek for a long time?

CD player of Technics SU-CH900 hi-fi, seems to have intermittent problem. It works sometimes (if i'm lucky) bu... [Read more]
Mend sony disc player

How can I fix my sony nc600 5 disc dvd/cd player?

the problem i am having is that when i turn on my dvd player it is stuck in stand by mode. I tried using the d... [Read more]
Mend cd player power

3 disc will not eject?

3 disc cd player the door will not eject and it sounds like a tommy gun when I turn the power on and try to ej... [Read more]
Mend cd ford play

cd's won't load?

My 6 cd changer in my ford focus just sounds like it's loading all the time but won't play a cd. It's a ford c... [Read more]
Mend unlock code serial number

Unlock Code for Mondeo serial number m013387?

Can anyone give me the unlock code for my cd player serial number m013387 please?
Mend stereo player radio help

How can i fix my car stereo?

My corsa has a cd player in it that wont play the radio or cds .. Can anyone help?
Mend player cds despite

Error 4 on Lexus RX 300 CD Player?

The CD player on my Lexus RX 300 shows an "Error 4" message and will not release the Cd's despite turning on/o... [Read more]
Mend car player read

How do I fix a car cd player that won't read cd?

My car stereo won't read the cd. I can hear it spinning and then it ejects it and displays E20. I have a 199... [Read more]
Mend player time radio

cd player spinning?

my cd player in my 2007 chevy malibu sounds like it is spinning all the time even though the power to the radi... [Read more]
Mend access player cd

How can I access the sled movement in a Goodmans Gps 285DAB player?

My CD only plays the 1st couple of tracks on all CD's then stops and makes a grating sound. I suspect it is a... [Read more]
Mend player nissan almera

How can i get the code for cd player,nissan almera,2003?

How can i get the codes for cd player for nissan almera 2003.the cd player is showing a code error
Mend player hello problems

CD Player Jumping?

Hello. Have been having problems with the CD Player in my Mazda 2 (2005). For the last couple of weeks I haven... [Read more]
Mend find replace problem

cd player?

I wanted to know if i can find a cd player that can replace it the cd player. I have the same problem with th... [Read more]

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