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Mend Lexar

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We have 35 questions about mending 'lexar'

How to mend ... Lexar

Pages 21
Mend Computers, Computer Hardware

How can I fix my usb?

My Lexar usb is not being detected by computers.
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives

lexar 16 gb usb stick?

Stick not showing up on MacBook.
Mend Cameras, Digital Cameras

The Lexar media memory card is protected, I'm unable to change it?

The memory card has is protected and I unlock it but it fails to unlock. What am I doing wrong? If possible co... [Read more]
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives

My Lexar JumpDrive USB is not recognizable by any computer, PLEASE HELP!!?

Hi there, I have years of documents, school work, essays, poetry, short stories, resumes, etc on my Lexar Jump... [Read more]
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives

lexar 16gb?

My flash drive was working fine on Friday and now I cannot access the files on Monday. It has been connected ... [Read more]
Mend Audio, MP3 Players

how do i format my lexar mp3 MDA256-100?

My lexar MDA256-100
Mend Audio, MP3 Players

How do I Reformatmy Lexar MDA256-100?

When I turn on my MDA256-100 a message comes on that says Incorrect format. Reformat the player
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

Samsung N140 Notebook - Memory stick & Movies??

Have been trying to load movies onto a 8GB Lexar memory stick using my reliable Sony Vaio Laptop to use on my ... [Read more]
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives

How can I restore my flash drive?

I use my flash drive exclusively for storing e-books and assorted other small files. My children droped my la... [Read more]
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives

I have a 2 GB Lexar flash drive that doesn't work?

I have a 2 GB Lexar flash drive that says "Impact" on the front. Every computer I've tried it on doesn't recog... [Read more]
Mend Memory, Memory Cards

how i can fix my nicro sd?

i have a 2g lexar micro sd and my memory get corrupted, when i format the memory only give me 1g of spece how ... [Read more]
Mend Software, Backup

How can I fix my broken Lexar E USB flash drive?

The flash drive mistakenky fell from my hand and the PC could not recognise it again, the tip is shaking and I... [Read more]
Mend Software, Backup

I just a Lexar Jump Drive FireFly?

I have no clue about computers can someone please answer me this... how do I start putting pictures onto it? t... [Read more]
Mend Memory, Memory Cards

How to avoid format problems with Smartmedia card? And how to fix it?

I now have 3 Smartmedia cards that the camera (Agfa ephoto 1280) wants reformated. I used a Lexar USB multi-ca... [Read more]
Mend Software, Backup

How to save files on a jumpdrive?

I have been able to save all types of files on my Lexar 258mb Jumpdrive until recently. Every time I try to sa... [Read more]
Pages 21

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