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Mend Laptop

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We have 2707 questions about mending 'laptop'

How to mend ... Laptop

Mend D.I.Y, Switches and Sockets

Circuit Breaker Trip.....only 3 appliances on in the house?

Hi, Since yesterday afternoon, my RCD has been intermittently tripping. It did it just now, and all I have o... [Read more]
Mend compaq laptop ideas

compaq presario cq71?

how do i change the page down key on my compaq presario cq 71 laptop and where can i obtain the key and fittin... [Read more]
Mend going laptop password

how can i go on my facebbok or hotmail?

Ive tried going on my hotmail and facebook recently on my laptop and it just wont let me it lets me type in my... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

how do i enable my speakers and mic on an acer aspire 5920?

i was wanting to use a karaoke mic on my laptop.i thot by disabling my built in mic and speakers this would wo... [Read more]
Mend la laptop toshiba

Cum pot reinstala sunetul la un laptop Toshiba?

Dupa ce am reinstalat Windows vista la laptop nu am mai avut sunet.Singurul CD pe care l-am primit impreuna cu... [Read more]
Mend series install printer

lexmark 7300 series?

trying to install our printer to our laptop and error 2032 keeps popping up any ideas would be great!
Mend cam pc cam lap top

how cam i load my pc cam on to my lap top without the cd?

i bought a cheap web cam at a pawn shop and it did not come with a installation cd, it's like a light gold co... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Computer Hardware

How can I fix my slim portable optical drive ?

It is my slim portable optical drive (usb plug in DVD drive). I accitdently dropped it on the floor a week ago... [Read more]
Mend read micro sd card

How can I get my laptop to read micro SD card?

I have a micro SD card 4gb with external reader, and I want to add some updates but my laptop or pc will not r... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Virus Removal

virus removal?

a friend of mine has 230 viruses on laptop but is not game to put credit info on line for fixit download - can... [Read more]
Mend broken toshiba laptop

broken hinges?

I need to fix broken hinges but i don't know how ? toshiba laptop m35 - s350
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

How do I reprogram my Asus Eee 900?

It seems I am needing to reprogram my new laptop since the files are corrupted by a virus. My friend said ther... [Read more]
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

how can i fix my laptop?

i have a acer laptop and when i pulg my camera in to my laptop in cut out and now all it seem to do is to try... [Read more]
Mend power works supply

How can I fix my Compaq laptop power socket?

How can I fix my Compaq Pressario R3116EA laptop power socket. It works if I wedge something under the power ... [Read more]
Mend laptop turn light

Why won't my dell d610 power on?

My d610 laptop won't turn on. When I plug in the adapter, the battery light flashes green every 20 seconds or ... [Read more]
Mend Audio, MP3 Players

mp3 not showing the music & any files?

my logik mp3 128 lcd its storage capacity is 128 mb only but by mistakly i make format of my device & when i... [Read more]
Mend xp straight mode

My kid's dell d600 with xp goes straight to stand by mode?

My kid's laptop d600 running xp goes straight to standby mode when it is turned on now. I can restart in saf... [Read more]
Mend installed laptop wireless

computer security?

i have installed an additional laptop to my wireless router using the tiscali instalation disc. when i use thi... [Read more]
Mend charge indicates plugged

How to fix battery in order for it to hold a charge?

Brought new battery, placed it into my HP laptop does not hold a charge battery indicates that plugged in cha... [Read more]
Mend laptop freezing help

my laptop keeps freezin?

Hi I have a dell inscrion laptop and it keeps freezing right after I sign in and gives me the wallpaper setti... [Read more]

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