Recent: Power major 56 to 60s?

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Mend Fordson Major

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We have 53 questions about mending 'fordson major'

How to mend ... Fordson Major

Pages 321
Mend Vehicles, Tractors

Power major 56 to 60s?

Fordson major old model new battery, push down lever works fuel good just not starting
Mend Vehicles, Tractors

1956 fordson major torque specs?

Like to know torque specs for head bolts, rocker arm, and valve cover with two bolts on top only
Mend Vehicles, Tractors

Fordson major EA1?

Where do I connect hydraulic feed and return pipes to operate a log splitter to Fordson Major 1958 tractor
Mend major diesel engine

problems with fordson major?

fuel problems on fordson diesel sims pump engine backfires andpops when using any power at all has new filter... [Read more]
Mend major hello live

fordson super major back end trouble?? how to fix???

hello, today i was driving my fordson super major (new performance, live drive) down a field when suddenly a l... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Tractors

torque settings fordson major?

i need the torque settings for tractors fordson major please
Mend starter tractor start

starter motor fordson major?

where does the wiring go on a fordson major tractor starter.positive earth lever start button
Mend help starter diesel

need help getting starter back together ?

how does the spring go back in the starter on a 1956 fordson major diesel tractor ?
Mend power rear oil

1958 fordson power major rear wheel oil seals?

HI My power major has been standing for a few years .I have noticed oil leaking from the rear wheel outer oil ... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Tractors

Fordson Major Rear end locked solid?

I took my wee fordson major for a drive yesterday down the road. After about 5mins the tractor locked solid in... [Read more]
Mend power gear box

fordson power major loud growl in gear box?

I recently bought a power major 1958.There is a loud growl in all the gears and the hand brake seems to be sti... [Read more]
Mend major wont start

fordson major won't start ?

tractor hasn't been used for about 6 months or more. we bleed the fuel lines we can get it started with airo s... [Read more]
Mend major wont start

fordson major - won't start?

If fuel injection timing is off with it still start with ether sprayed in air intake?
Pages 321

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