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Mend Indesit Tumble Dryers

Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Indesit

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We have 733 questions about mending 'indesit' in category Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers

How to mend ... Indesit

Mend mins switch heat

Tumble dryer only works for about 5 mins?

I set the timer to 1 hour, or whatever, switch on and it runs normally (heat, drum turning, everything ok) for... [Read more]
Mend indesit g 75 c

how can i fix my indesit g 75 c?

the drum does not turn
Mend making loud started

Indesit is70c making loud rattling/grinding noise?

Our old Indesit is70c has just started making constant rattling/grinding noises when in operation. It's still ... [Read more]
Mend indesit leaking going

indesit is70c?

it seems to be leaking water from the bottom of the dryer there is water going in to the bottle has anybody go... [Read more]
Mend indesit start cycle

indesit tumble dryer (condenser) not working (idca835uk)?

I can plug in dryer and it switches on although when i go to start a cycle all the electrics blow in the house... [Read more]
Mend running fan appears

indesit is70c rattles when running?

indesit is70c makes a rattling noise when running. fan blade appears to be moving about and breaking in to pie... [Read more]
Mend water tank tumble dryer

light on is70c?

indesit is70c my water light is on & there is no water in tank! i bought tumble dryer second hand was working... [Read more]
Mend motor belt turn

how do i repair seized drum?

motor is running but not turning belt, drum is very stiff to turn, how do i repair this. it is a indesit
Mend indesit is60v tumble dryer

How do I fix indesit IS60V Tumble dryer?

The motor is working but the drum either moves noisily or not at all, I want to remove the Panels to take a l... [Read more]
Mend heating luke warm

dryer not heating up properly?

dryer only heating up to luke warm instead of hot? indesit 1560vs dryer
Mend heating element drier

How do I replace the heating element in an Indesit condenser drier?

The heating element seems to have gone in this drier. Is it possible to obtain a new one and replace it DIY
Mend fit belt indesit

How do you fit a belt to an indesit IS31v?

the belt has broken on an indesit IS31v and we cant figure out how to get in to fit it!! Any ideas
Mend indesit dryer heat water

how can i fix my indesit condenser dryer 1S70C?

there is no heat coming from my dryer have emptied the water drawer and the light is off could it be the heate... [Read more]
Mend indesit is70c tumble

How can I fix my indesit is70c?

I have just changed the plug on my tumble dryer and it won't work. There is power getting to it. Does it need ... [Read more]
Mend button man find

where is heater reset button on indesit is60v?

heater is not working, man came in before, and fixed within in moments, but now cannot find
Mend switch runs power

how can i fix indesit is70c?

when you switch it on it runs for a while then trips the power
Mend replace belt tumble

How do I replace the belt on an Indesit IS60V tumble dryer?

How do I replace the belt on an Indesit IS60V tumble dryer? I have undone hundreds of screws but still can no... [Read more]
Mend hot stops working

indesit is60v gets hot and stops?

My indesit is60v tumble dryer gets hot and the drum stops turning but timer keeps working, when it cools down ... [Read more]
Mend belt indesit going

changing the drive belt on an indesit is70c?

i am going to attempt to change the drive belt on this drier and was wondering where to start. should i go fro... [Read more]
Mend tumble dryer not heating up

tumble dryer not heating up?

hi got a indesit condenser turmble dryer is70c uk which is blowing cold air have changed the thermostats but... [Read more]

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