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Mend Binatone Satellite Navigation

Navigation, Satellite Navigation find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Binatone

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We have 113 questions about mending 'binatone' in category Navigation, Satellite Navigation

How to mend ... Binatone

Pages 65432
Mend binatone carrera sat nav

How can I fix my Binatone Carrera?

I switched my Sat Nav onto sleep mode and now it won't come back on
Mend sat nav satnav

No voice on Binatone Sat Nav?

I bought a binatone B350 satnav from Tesco last month. The sat nav has stopped talking and only powers from ca... [Read more]
Mend reset remember set

how can i reset my message and retrieve my calls from my binatone 1810?

I have lost my binatone 1810 manual and can not remember how to set up a massage and retrive my calls from the... [Read more]
Mend sd card software

binatone a350?

how do i up date sd card or software.
Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation

cant get past navagation pointw?

when u switch it on it goes straight to navigation point but wont go any further i have binatone f 350
Mend binatone sat nav navigation

Binatone F430 uk & ROI?

switching on my sat nav gets to the Navigation and Menu screen, i press Navigation, the orange bar goes across... [Read more]
Mend binatone sat nav

binatone a430 sat nav?

my binatone a430 sat nav wont turn on
Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation

how do I enter the nav menu on the binatone B350?

My sat nav (Binatone B350) has great signal and on the GPS reciever says fixed 3D but will not let me in to th... [Read more]
Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation

binatone satnav fatal app error?

how can i get up and running again
Mend x350 2nd edition

Binatone X350 2nd edition only display Binatone logo?

When switching the unit on, it will only display Binatone drive like a local. I have tried resetting it and it... [Read more]
Mend sat find gps

how can i get my binatone carrera sat nav to find a gps signal?

when i try to navigate to anywhere i get a ,no gps signal detected yet to navigate gps is required,
Mend load sat nav

binatone a350?

i cant get down load to my sat nav
Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation

Binatone B430 won't connect to the satellite?

Hi i have a Binatone B430 that won't connect to the satellite, when i go to the GPS Receiver page it says INVA... [Read more]
Mend sat nav working again

how to get my sat nav working again?

Ihave a binatone carrera sat nav and aint used it for a few days then i put it on today and im pressing naviga... [Read more]
Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation

how can fix my camera binatone?

Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation

How can I get back to English?

I have only just had the Binatone carrera X430 and I was trying to get the voice to activate and on the naviga... [Read more]
Mend sat nav screen

sat nav screen ?

how or where can i get my sat nav screen repaired it has a crack on the inside? it is a binatone
Mend stuck start screen

My sat nav seems to be stuck on the Binatone start up screen?

How do i reset the sat nav so that it isnt stuck?
Mend switch stuck screen

how can i fix my sat nav b350 frozen ?

i was using my sat nav one night it just frozen when i switch it on is stuck on the main screen blck and white... [Read more]
Mend switch light ideas

how to fix my binatone carrera a350?

when i switch it on all i get is a light blue screen and it says NO MAPS FOUND any ideas thanks.
Pages 65432

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