Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers

JD STX30 rear wheel change?

I had a rear tire come off the rim so removed the rear wheel and took it for repair. I removed it by undoing the circlip (snap ring) and then eased it off the spindle. Now I have put the wheel back the mower will not move in any gear. I have looked at the manual and it shows an outer washer but I did not find one of these! I thought being an older female STX driver I was pretty smart to manage this but it appears that I have something not quite right. Mower was moving in all gears before I took the wheel off! Help appreciated

October 2007
You did not re-install the axle key, a square peice of steel that fits in the slot in the axle and mates with the the slot inside the hub of the wheel.

Richard Woolson
April 2009
You did not re-install the axle key. It is square, approximately and eighth inch by inch and a half. Without the key, the axle spins without driving the wheel. You can buy the key at most hardware stores. Go to the JD site, log in as quest, and look up the part to get the correct dimensions.

If you aren't looking for it, the part is easily lost when pulling the wheel.

Look for it where you took off the wheel?

Richard Woolson
April 2009
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