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Mend Ford Focus Reverse Light

How do I fix Ford Focus reverse light??

I have a 1999 Ford Focus. The reverse light doesn't work. I have fitted a new bulb and changed the fuses. Still no joy.

What do I do now???

October 2007
If the bulb is changed and does not work with the ignition on and gear in reverse test the power going to the bulb holder. If power detected then replace bulb holder. Check fuses. If fuses ok check the Reverse light switch on gearbox. A basic test meter is all that is needed to check power in the wires.

David L
July 2010
it'll be the reverse light sensor switch located on transmittion. not a difficult job but access to it can be arkward. ref the hains manual

January 2010
i found it to be a censer on the gear box that had broken on mine

September 2009
I am having the same problem, I have changed the reverse light switch, the bulb and fuse and still no joy!!!! Anyone else got any ideas??

February 2009
One hint, the reverse light seems susceptible to taking in some water. My reverse light has been out for a while and I've just changed it today. I found that water has got into the connection between the bulb and the contact, and when I replaced with a new
bulb it wouldn't work. The problem was that the metal contact wasn't touching the bulb so I got some pliers and pulled the contact further out. When I put the bulb in again it touched the contact and would work fine. This may not be what's up with your reverse light, but it's worth a shot anyway.

October 2007
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