I have a Mclane edger with a briggs and stratton 3.5hp motor. model# 91202,ID#1249 I purchased it 2nd hand because of the price for a new one is out of my buget..anyway the springs for the throttle and the springs and linkage for the govenor are on wrong or are they are the wrong ones for the motor??? I need to find out how they are placed and a picture and or a diagram view if they are even the correct ones. I have no throttle control. Thanks, greatly appreciated.briggs and stratton manuals on line are very poor view/confusing. SK
Most B&S motors have very similar linkage. So if you can find a similar motor to take a look at it will give you a pretty good idea how it should be. Oh, and by the way, my name is Melvin Pervis, too! Where do you live? I live in Nebraska. We've got to be related somehow. My family is originally from Florida. Please email me at melvinpervis@gmail.com, I would love to hear from you. Thanks, Melvin.