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Mend Ford Fiesta Cars

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Mend Ford Fiesta Car Start Lx Started

My car reving lumpy?

I came to start my car this morning,it is a ford fiesta lx 1992,the car started but the engine was revving very lumpy,it then cut out.Could the problem be with the spark plugs,the battery or the HT leads,or something else.As i am due to start a new job tomorrow i am desperate to get this sorted,can anyone help me.

Tony Eddowes
August 2007
other things to check are timing, condition of pionts, all plug leads and hi tension lead, the plugs themselves for iol fowling and damage.if after all these you are still miffed, check for signs of head gasket trouble. also check that its firing on all four cylinders.

August 2007
Hi Gav,thanks for that answer,but revs lumpy with choke on or off,its a manual choke on my car

Tony Eddowes
August 2007
hi tony, i would check your choke, will the temps after taking a dip, if your choke is not working properly, it will start to show now.

August 2007
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Ford Fiesta cars

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Mend repair fix Ford Fiesta cars