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Mend Kenwood In-Car Audio

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Mend Kenwood Error Time Problem

kenwood kdc-x769 toc error what is it, and what can i do?

i have a kenwood kdc-x769 that i purchased used (as is) and every time i insert a cd it reads toc error, what can i do to fix this problem, also what does hd "ready" mean. i see someone asked a similar question with no reply, please help us!

josh simmons
August 2007
Nyaa stereo le aaj kynk kanwood gtiya stereo h sbse jyada problem aati h inme

September 2011
hello i just bought a kenwood kdc-bt848u and when i try to play a cd toc error apperse what is it or what can i do

May 2011
hey joe i might be able to help. Do you have a remote with letters on it?

December 2007
i have a kenwood kdc x769 i dont have a code for it what do i do

October 2007
The TOC error is the same error seen on computer disks, TOC is the table of content, this has to be read before the the unit will know the details of tracks etc......

If every disk inserted has this error, i will probably guess the laser is faulty, good chance the laser head cant move

HD Ready

HD Radio Ready: The KDC-X769 is HD Radio ready. With an optional HD Radio tuner (KTC-HR100, not yet available), you will be able to receive digital AM/FM broadcasts from local stations where available. This new technology will significantly improve audio quality and reception, as well as include information such as artist name and song titles or traffic news, viewable on the receiver's display. Note: As of 3/1/03, HD Radio is to be introduced in the top 40 U.S. metropolitan markets during the second quarter of the year.

August 2007
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
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Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
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