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Mend Toshiba Televisions

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Mend Toshiba Flashing Light Indicator

What does the flashing red power light mean?

I am unable to get my Toshiba 42H81 to power on. There is a flashing red light on the power indicator on the front of the TV. The TV was working fine, then the next thing I know, there is no picture or sound. I don't know if the problem is a costly one. Should I give up on this set and buy a new one, or is the TV worth fixing.

Abbey O
June 2007
what does the flashing red power light mean on the toshiba 62hm84

January 2013
The blinking red light is not just a fuse issue. The fuse needs replacing, yes, but because of a gap issue on the board. See this tech bulletin:

If not repaired properly it could cause heat/fire issue according to one knowledgable poster. As well, the yoke may need replacing.

If you repairman doesn't know this, use another repair center. I have the 42H81 as well. I'm on the fence about repairing...not sure it is worth the $4-500.

July 2007
I just got the same problem last night and called a repairman and the answer was that at least one fuse has been blown... It will cost anywhere in between $100 and $200 which is less than the cost of a new set, so I say get it fixed.

Dan C
June 2007
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Find out how to mend Toshiba televisions