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How can I fix my car alarm?

i have an R reg rover 416 that has always had the alarm going off intermittentlyat 4am driving my neighbours mad. Is there any solution since Rover insisted there were no problems. I was thinking of taking the fuse out when I am not driving but I dont know which fuse it is. can anyone help please?

Hiding fromtheneighbours
June 2007
If you take out any fuses you will not only disable the alarm but the car - otherwise all the thieves would do it. You could try to find the problem by isolating the interior sensor(s).

If you have a two-button plip (fob). Try locking the car with the key. This enables the alarm but no the interior sensor(s). If the local Rover dealer can't find the problems, try an Auto Electrician who knows about Rover Group (Rover, MG, Land Rover) cars.

June 2007
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Mend repair fix Rover cars

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