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Mend Ford Focus In-Car Audio

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Mend Ford Focus Play Help

Ford Focus 2005 zx4 cd is stuck will not play or eject. please help?

The CD wont eject and it wont play. I would love to fix this without removing the dash, any suggestions would be great.

Ben Weddell
May 2007
I know of several car stereos that have an emergency eject button combination. It'd be nice if this one did too. I'm having the same problem. I like the Cure but I'm getting REALLY sick of it now...

October 2007
I have the same car and same problem. I found my CD actually went in at an upward angle and fit into a gap above the components. I don't know if the CD is stuck inside the stereo or on top of it. I did put in another CD and it played just fine. I think it's funny that our new car just ate my wife's stupid Gretchin Wilson CD. The following web address has directions to easily remove your stock stereo in a 2005 Focus.

June 2007
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
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