Zanussi FJS1397W Washer-Dryer is not drying proper?
Taking a washing out after the spin cycke, it seems to be a little damper than it used to be when the machine worked fine.
The problem is in tumble drying. towels and other clothes are coming out only luke warm and still damp.
In high temperature tumble-drying mode, the whole door glass used to be very hot, now it is only the very top of the glass and even then it is only reasonably warm. Just above the door, on the front, is as very hot as it used to be, as is the top of the machine.
I by-passed the door mechanism to feel the heat coming out of the outlet (just inside the top of the door openning). It was hot but not very powerfull.
The lint trap is clear. During one test, I collected 3 buckets of water from the waste-pipe during a 60 minute hot tumble dry of two big towels.
I don't know it has any effect on the problem but the lint trap is always full of water (but not overflowing) after finishing a normal wash (no tumble dry).
February 2005