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Mend Citroen Car Brakes Drive

wen i was out in my car i accidently ran over a lump of concrete?

wen i was out in my car i accidently ran over a lump of concrete and now its like my hand brake is stuck on but its not the hand brakes off but wen i drive the rear goes down like the handbrakes on but its off could you help me please thanks.

the cars a citroen saxo

April 2007
When you hit it you may have bent something on the suspension and now a wheel it touching the body, get a garage to check it asap!

April 2007
That's good advice from Lee, you need to sort that out sharpish!

Ken Chapman
April 2007
geez strongly recomend u go to a garage and get them raise it up for a look may not charge much , apart from the brake problem wich sounds like a cable is jamed , u may have done real damage underneeth , uve got fuel lines,brake lines and electronics under there u cud be drivin a death trap now, pleas go to a garage- at least a quik fit or ATS.

April 2007
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