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Mend Briggs Mower Start

Briggs and Stratton 375 Sprint mower engine - carburettor blocked?

While the engine will start, it cuts out when the priming fuel is used up after about 3-5 seconds.

The manual says the carburettor cannot be adjusted, but I think the main jet is blocked. How do I unblock it? The manual is no use.

BTW, it is an oldish Sprint, Model 9x900 where x is B, C, D or 8.

On the identification panel it says it is a TBS158U1G1RA:EM but thus model does not appear on the B&S website

April 2007
I have just been given a mower with the same problem. The fuel tank is the bottom half of the carburretor. The air filter had disintergrated and made its way into the carby and fuel tank. A complete clean with carby cleaner and blow out with an air gun did the job. ( blow air through the main jet after squirting with carby cleaner ) Mower now runs fine.

Peter A
May 2009
Had the same problem with my mower, removed and cleaned carb from fuel tank, replaced gasket, between carby and fuel tank, no problems since.

Shane Campbell
October 2007
No one with any ideas?

April 2007
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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