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Mend Setup Install Error

**modem setup not working*?

i have a smartAx MT882 modem which im trying to install. The problem is, is that i get an error message:The DSL modem is currently installed must remove before setup..etc. I used to have a BT Voyager 105 adsl modem but have incorrectly uninstalled it.When i try to shred or delete it i get the following message:dslagent:access denied make sure disk not full or write protected or file not in use. Im now unable to use my broadband connection ,any ideas on how to delete the rogue file "dslagent"? my os is xp home edition.

Darren Beal
March 2007
Thanks for the thanks - it's unusual.

March 2007
thanks terry i figured it out 2 reinstall the driver after 11 hrs (sigh) but cheers anyway i have it sorted now : )

daz beal
March 2007
Try reinstalling the voyager software and drivers and then uninstall. (You should be able to get the code off BT's web site.) Alternatively connect with Ethernet to a router with build in ADSL modem then you won't need to install drivers.

March 2007
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