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Mend AEG Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend AEG Machine Activated Wash

AEG 74630. When the machine is activated it does not complite cicle?

AEG Lamavat 74630. When the machine is activated it goes to a half of the wash cicle and then resets itself to the start position again. It would not work on any of the settings straight afterwards but if used 30 min later it starts again.

Faik Grbovic
February 2007
I had a similar problem after the machine was left standing for two weeks. The wash would continue until the 'time left' read 34 mins, then it would go back to 54 mins and stop. No fault code appeared. I cured it by putting the machine on a 95 degree wash with soap powder but no washing. This cleaned it out, and it is fine now

Mal Burgess, Norfolk
June 2007
hi sounds like a faulty element to me

phil grimshaw
February 2007
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for AEG washing machines