how can i fix my in car cd player pioneer DEH-P9600MP?
The back panel and screen does not work on my pioneer DEH-P9600MP CD player but the front panel does and it will still play cd s i have tried to reset it all but nothing works is there anything i can do?
I Have the same problem with my i have to ether send it off to pioneer or like Keith Said try and find it on the net on the US pioneer site u can order parts but only for US Sates
February 2007
Hi Ken, If I understand you your problem is probably the ribbon cable,that gos from the face plate to the main radio .the cable will break and you can only replace it . I have one with that problem . I have looked for the part, but have not been able to locate the part. Try the net, for radio repairs or you may be able to send it back to pioneer .Is it still under warranty? Good-luck! Keith.
Keith Radioman
February 2007
I can answer this question...
how can i fix my in car cd player pioneer DEH-P9600MP?