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Mend Ford KA Cars

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Mend Ford KA Reg Power

What have i done?

i have a 02 reg ford KA, 6 months ago i accidentaly put water in with the power steering fluid, no idea how much really! got the fluid emptied and changed a week later, it seemed fine although there is a grinding noise when i lock the wheel, or almost lock it, although now the steering has gone really light and feels like its going to skid even when turning a corner, any idea how to fix it and how much will it cost??

February 2007
4 hours?

February 2007
It sounds like the steering rack has been damaged and it will need to be replaced, once corrosion has set in by water ingress the damage is irreversible. Ring for quotes approx 4hour job plus replacement rack and fluid..Best of luck..

February 2007
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Find out how to mend Ford KA cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Ford KA cars