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Mend MP3 Players

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Mend > MP3 Players

Mend Audio, MP3 Players

pocket hdd player model:LHD-02, VER 2.3?

80 g 2.5" hd, fat32, partitioned (3), been working perfectly normal for 8-10 months then all of a sudden locks up on 'searching disk' screen, when connecting to television??? Analyzed with disk defrag pt1 & pt2, (these did not require) but pt3 did so it was defragged. (this acheived nothing). I am using mostly for music & MP4 movies. Can anybody offer me help. Thanks.

January 2007
Hello, I'm french, I search the updating for the model Pocket HDD Player HD-02 Ver 2.3


Pascal GD

September 2009
Having the same problem. Thanks I'll try that.

October 2007
It happened to me exactly the same: 80GB and worked OK for months until it locked up on searching disk screen. I tried everything you tried before.

At the end, I got the solution: to format the first partition: first of all I moved all the files to the other partition or to the PC so the partition didn't have any files, after that I formatted and now it works like the first day.

Hope this answer will help you.

February 2007
Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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