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Mend Punto Cars

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Mend Punto Problem Bought Weeks

Punto electrical & immobiliser problem, Can I bypass it?

I recently bought a Punto on a 97 year (about 2 weeks ago). I seemed ok when I got it and it drove fine for a few days, however over a period of the first 2 weeks it developed a number of issues. I became difficult to start and sometimes it wouldn't do anything when you turned the key. Driving at night became a nightmare as the lights seemed to drain the battery to the point of cutting out, the speedo and rev counter temporarily stop working, dash lights dim and the key code light flickers along with the injector light, but picked up for a short while if the lights were turned down, so I changed the battery as it seemed not to be holding charge and it seemed fine for 2 days until it did the same again. So I checked the brushes on the alternator which were fine as were all the connections. I've charged the battery and it turns over strongly, however it won't fire up. I have a feeling that the immoboliser has reset itself and i don't have the original red key. Can the immobiliser be bypassed? Can anyone help with the failing electrics? I think i've tried eveything obvious...

January 2007
yes the best thing to do is to give the numbers of the alarm ecu (behind the fuse box) i can remove the eeprom (erasable programmable chip) which will mean any key thats cut to your car wont need that silly chip inside it. you can email me at
or call 0771 7135557 with numbers and then ill get back to you with a price

stephen levi
March 2007
Hi Mo, I seem to be having similar probs like you. I have a 1996 fiat,only had a blue key for it, that key recently dissapeared! whihc has left me in a bad position. i managed ot get someone ot cut a key as I found the mechanical code for it - can you suggest more help, where is the ECU/immobiliser unit kept, as there are people out there that can help, but there charges are jut too expensive, if you can help that would be great, thanks. Miss A

A Adam
January 2007
This is a post to my own question to help others if they have a similar problem.

Just left the battery leads off for 1 hour which apparantly resets the ECU which also contains the key code. The red key is only needed to have new keys cut. I can now start the car.

I am not sure if resetting the ECU will cure the electrical faults though, guess I will have to risk driving somewhere to find out if the battery still discharges. :o/

January 2007
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Punto cars

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Mend repair fix Punto cars