you can use a stong apoxy glue and hold it for 60 sec and then gentley take away your fingers slowly and then get a hair dryer to make sure it is secure and then get a q tip and alittle bit of nail polish remover and take off any access..
October 2011
No unfortunately not, and I am looking for an answer to repair my dolls face
Emma Wootton
January 2011
I bought a composition 1930's doll on ebay and she arrived today only with a chip on her face. I cannot afford to take her to a doll restorer, they aren't cheap! How can I do this myself, cheap and easy before I give it to my mum as her present?
Emma Wootton
January 2011
hi, we have a similar problem where a porcelain doll fell face down on a stone floor, and she has a 1 inch hole in her forehead. did you find something to fix the crack? thank you,