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Mend Ford Focus 02

how do i change wing mirror on 02 ford focus?

how do i change the entire wing mirror on a ford focus,
some knob kicked it straight off, smashing the plastic housing,

January 2007
it was fairly easy to do, th only problem i have is the foam, as it wont go into the groves so the mirror isn't sitting flush against the outside of the door. should this be stuck into the groves inside the mirror casing with glue?

rob m
April 2012
I have just managed to perform the same repair to my '99 ford focus drivers side wing mirror and found it to be much more straightforward than would appear by reading the instructions above. It is very simple in fact, all you have to do is literally pull the hard black plastic cover off the inside corner of the window where the electric joystick is attached to from the inside and disconnect the wire right behind it. Next you have to undo the bolt that is slightly obscured in a small hole in the door frame. The mirror will come away easily after that. You can just remove it by hand and fit the new one on by pushing it into place and reattaching the bolt.

Absolutely no need to remove any of the inside door card whatsoever!

Obviously you need to feed the new wire through the gap where the joystick thing was before and reconnect it to the power supply as you will work out if you have any commone sense

July 2008
Just replaced the non-powered wing mirror on my 1999 focus using the above answer, which covers just about everything.
My only added points are:
Removing the mirror control was a bit of a hassle - I levered the soft "Joy stick cover" off with a flat screwdriver and broke one of the lugs on the actual joy stick in the process - didn't matter as the new mirror came with a new joy stick. The joy stick then slips out from behind the housing.
You still need to take the door card out to get at the 10mm bolt which holds the wing mirror in place.
When removing the door opener insert, you don't need to disconnect the powered window control - I couldn't work out how to do this - turns out it doesn't matter, if you "pop" the control forwards it will hang loose across the opener insert and you can manoeuvre the opener insert over the opener whilst holding the opener in the "open door" position.

The opener insert plus the door card can then be left to hang whilst you get at the mirror bolt.

To replace the mirror joy stick and joy stick cover, fit the joy stick into the housing first (make sure the control is the right way round! i.e. joystick up = mirror angle up etc.) and then slide the joy stick cover on from the other side of the housing aligning the cut outs with the lugs on the joy stick - twist the joy stick cover 45 degrees (i forget whether Left of Right) and it will lock into place. You can then remount the housing into the door.

Dan Cook
December 2007
I just did my '98 driver's mirror, but I imagine that the '02 version isn't vastly different...

Assuming you have electric mirrors:

1) Carefully prise out the round mirror control panel from its housing and disconnect the wiring.
2) Pull off the housing itself (note that the clip nearest the front of the car pulls out towards the seat and the two at the back pull off towards the rear of the car).
3) Disconnect the mirror cable and carefully prise the fixed connector off the door.
3) Unscrew the six screws around the outside of the door card (two at the front, two along the bottom and two at the back).
4) Carefully prise out the circular cover behind the door opener and remove the screw beneath.
5) Carefully prise out the insert in the door handle (this can be difficult) and remove the two screws beneath.
6) Pull the door card away from the door and carefully pull off the foam around the mirror area.
7) Hidden under the foam and sealing tape is a hole that allows you to undo the single 10mm bolt that holds the mirror on - but before removing the mirror prise out the cable grommet and pull the mirror cable out (the grommet is split to allow this). Be very careful not to drop the bolt into the space between the door skins as you remove it and be sure to support the mirror too!!
8) Once you have bolted the new mirror on, be sure to re-fit the foam and position cables etc as you found them.
9) As they say - refitting is the reverse of removal!!

Good luck!

March 2007
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