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Mend Potterton Home Heating Systems

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Mend Potterton Profile 60e Boiler

Potterton profile 60e not igniting?

Is there a wise man out there who can tell me the most likely reasons for my boiler not igniting - there is no spark but the sequence of noises up until the point of no ignition seems to be normal - if i hold a flame to the pilot light it still will not ignite ?

January 2007
Make sure fan is running ok turn off gas supply you should hear a
Click when gas valve opens' I've just had a problem with my boiler
Not lighting up and after removing the printed circuit board to check relays i found that the soldered pins from the multiple plug had pushed through the soldered joints and not making connections
Re- soldered these joints and fitted back together and the boiler now runs all ok.
With the gas off check voltages across the pressure switch as wiring diagram explains this will tell you if the fan is running ok.

Terry g
September 2013
I had this problem and it was one of the relays which trigger to ignite the boiler. Try tapping the relay/pcb housing firmly with something heavy while the boiler is cycling on and off, it may take a few goes to get the timing right but if it eventually triggers, then its the relay that's stuck. You can buy them for under a quid at Maplins or suchlike and replace them yourself.

January 2011
check the seal on the casing! ive had a corgi man on it for a day if you add up the hours. he changed the tubes, aps, fan quite literally everything was tried and still wasnt resolved. so i took off the front cover put some draught excluder foam on top of the existing seal placed the cover back screwed up tight and it fired up first time and ran all day! so i ordered a new seal for the case. apparently these run on positve preasure so if its losing the slightest bit of air the boiler thinks its leaking monoxide and wont fire up! so once youve put the new seal on-- get a corgi gas test cert on the boiler so its in black and white that everythings in order and working proper

i fixed a boiler corgi man couldnt.!
June 2008
Switch off power to boiler. Unscrew the bottom control assembly and allow to swing down. Check that the 2 tubes at the rear are not kinked. They must be fully open to allow boiler to ignite. I have just had similar problem and when tubes were un-kinked the boiler fired up.Ensure when swinging back the panel that the tubes are not kinked again.

August 2007
I had the same problem that turned out to be the fan not working. Unless the fan is causing a vacuum within the boiler the boiler will not fire up. It acts a a safety device.

January 2007
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Find out how to mend Potterton home heating systems