Hi Rob/Imran
it seems that you both may have the same problem here. I think that you may have the entry exit door set for guard instead of entry/exit.
I assume that your entry is your front doors and are set as zone 1.
To set them for entry exit.
1/ enter the engineers code [4 digits]
2/ enter 0.0. all the zone lights will illuminate.
3/ enter 1.1. [after the second '1' the current zone setting will illuminate. eg if no 3 lights this means that the zone is set to guard no 6 means it is set for entry exit]
4/ press 6. then PROG, the system will chime and revert back to the programming menu. this should have now set your door to entry exit .
5/ if you enter '1' instead of '6' this should set for entry exit with final door set. this means that the alarm will set 5 seconds after the door is shut. irrespective of the time delay that is already entered. and the strobe will flash 5 times to indicate alarm set.
I can probably photocopy the installation manual and send a copy if required. my email is john@ajtnet.com
February 2007