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Mend Countax Lawn Mowers

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Mend Countax Starter Motor Solenoid

Is it my Starter motor, or is it the solenoid?

My Countax 600 has stood for over a year. Tried to start it but the solenoid just clicks. I bridged the solenoid terminals and the starter motor made a whirring noise but nothing else happened. Battery fully charged. Pressing the start button again just produces the click. It wont actuate the motor, this only happens if I bridge the contacts. Any ideas please?.

Mike Burrows.
June 2017
Check the connections from battery to starter and from starter to the motor.

Check the connection between the starter and the battery earth.

The Bendix gear on the starter may also be gummed up, which could explain why nothing else happens when the starter whirres when you bridge the solenoid. That may respond to a clean with solvent

June 2017

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