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1987 ford escort clicking noise?

I have a ford escort 1987 1.9L, for about a week when i would get in the car to leave it would take me turning the key over 7-10 times then the car would fire right up and drive fine. The other morning I went to leave and now all I hear is a clicking noise. I have already changed my battery cables, the solenoid, and the starter.. the car is still making the same clicking noise.. any clue as to what could be wrong. I am beginning to wonder if the solenoid and or the starter were bad that i bought... any help is appreciated.. thanks..

also, i noticed yesterday an orange wire, and a yellow wire with a green stripe, that are not attached to anything. I dont know who unhooked the wires or if they have always been just hanging there.. could that be the problem .. any clue where these wires are suppose to be attached to?

April 2004
check your ignition relay.

July 2007
As an auto electician i'd say that the start/soleniod u bought is faulty along with your original...cos it sounds like it's either the contacts in your solenoid or brushes in your starter...

October 2004
on that car there is a external control module that is gray and under the distruber that is going bad and will just stop running soon the problem is there is a white paste to reduce the heat that is going away need to replace the white paste before it burns up the control module
June 2004
check all connections are clean and tight, then remove tops from battery and check the water level, ESPECIALLY if it is a low maintenance type battery! these often run dry in warm weather, or if you have one of the many cars where the battery is just that bit too close to a hot part of the engine. top up with distilled or deionized water to bottom of filler tubes, or enough to cover the battery plates. this fault is caused by there being enough current reaching the starter to click the solenoid "in" but not enough to turn the starter over. It's possible (but unlikely) that the flywheel ring gear is damaged, and preventing the starter gear meshing properly. also check the earth lead between the engine and the chassis or battery. if this is loose or corroded at the engine end it will cause this fault, and also cause throttle and choke cables to get hot and become stiff to operate as they try to carry the current that the engine earth strap should be carrying!

phil whitley
May 2004
your right from your saying it is the starter motor but from the starting problem you have it might be worth while taking it some where and getting the charging circuit checked out if there isnt enough power to turn your starter motor over then it will have the problems you mentioned as for them wire it just could be that ford use the same wiring loom in all there cars from the escort 1.1L to the XR3i and so forth so it could just be a spare wire

hope this helps

May 2004
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