These codes are reading from the top neon down.
F01....OFF, OFF, OFF, Flash, OFF.
F02....OFF, OFF, Flash, OFF, OFF.
F03....OFF, OFF, Flash, Flash, OFF.
F04....OFF, Flash, OFF, OFF, OFF.
F05....OFF, Flash, OFF, Flash, OFF.
F06....OFF, Flash, Flash, OFF, OFF.
F07....OFF, Flash, Flash, Flash, OFF.
F08....Flash, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF.
F09....Flash, OFF, OFF, Flash, OFF.
F10....Flash, OFF, Flash, OFF, OFF.
F11....Flash, OFF, Flash, Flash, OFF.
F12....Flash, Flash, OFF, OFF, OFF.
F13....Flash, Flash, OFF, Flash, OFF.
F14....Flash, Flash, Flash, OFF, OFF.
F15....Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, OFF.
f16....OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, Flash.
F17....OFF, OFF, OFF, Flash, Flash.
F18....OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF. Fault on control board, check Eeprom.
these are the light flashes
and these are what they mean
F01 Short Circuit-Motor Triac
F02 Motor jammed or tachogenerator detached
F03 Temp probe o/c or s/c
F04 Pressure switch jammed on reset
F05 Pressure switch jammed on trip
F06 Programme selector management error
F07 Heater relay stuck
F08 Heater relay cannott be activated
F09 Incompatable eeprom
F10 Pressure switch not sensing correctly
F11 Pump cannot be be activated.
F12 LCD Display module and main module not communicating correctly.
phil grimshaw
December 2006