Transformers have two sides - primary (voltage applied) and secondary (voltage coming out)
Transformers are AC devices
The primary is often fed with mains voltage (but not always)
The secondary output is often a lower voltage (but not always)
Sometimes there is more than one secondary (often just one secondary with a wire tapped off some distance along for instance...
Connections 1&2 230 V Primary winding (two wires)
3&4 12 V secondary
4&5 12V Secondary
So there's 24V available between 3 and 5
You have 3 challenges
1) Be sure the transformer needs to be replaced
2) Obtain the correct transformer for the job - primary / secondary / wattage
3 Connect it the right way round
If you reverse the Primary and Secondary connections you may end up with very high voltages 230V going in and perhaps 4600v on the output - bangs and sparks too.
So take care - have someone with a bit of experience & confidence help you...
Good luck...
December 2014