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Mend Kenmore Washing Machines

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Mend Kenmore Washer Spin

my Kenmore model 110.29842991 washer will not spin?

my Kenmore model 110.29842991 washer has started making a terrible noise and will not agitate or spin. It went through the wash cycle and when it filled up to rinse, it started making noise and will not agitate or spin. Could it be the motor ? The lid switch has been replaced so I know that is not the problem.

Emily Webb
December 2006
I have just replaced a coupler between the motor and the gearbox mine did the same works fine now make sure you have some one with good mechanical skills to do the job

May 2013
I just had the same problem. If you set the washer on it's back you will see the drive motor transmission coupler item #1195967.
It it is the coupler you will see right away that it is broken.
You'll have to take off the motor to replace it.
It is relatively simple. Make sure prior to putting it in you let it soak in hot water for at least 10 - 15 minutes. If you don't it will crack.Also make sure you watch the capacity of you loads.

Chet Renaud Schenectady New York
October 2008
It may be the drive block that has split out and the inner tub is now sitting on the bottom of the outer tub and not allowing it to spin. The part is $10 and takes about 30 minutes to change out if you know how. My washer is a kenmore series 90. The smell was probably the plastic lint filter on the bottom of the inner basket that was spinning against the bottom of the tub.
February 2007
Uh oh, looks like we are in the same trouble. Found this for our direct drive washer. If yours is like mine you may open it up to find a 2" rubber disk chewed up and lying under the machine. This is part of the direct drive coupling. I'm still learning how to fix it but the part seems to be available.

January 2007
have you checked your emptying pipe under the sink, when my washer stops spinning its usually because the pipes blocked. Give it ago you never no. Goodluck.

December 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Kenmore washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Kenmore washing machines