click on service, service information, Toilets, permanent toilets, Aqua magic V sanitation products then download what you want. When you download the pdf for repairs you will see its first page is C4 this is because the one pdf covers all models so you have to scroll through the pdf for your model.
You probably wont find anything on the leak so contact Thetford. Don’t hold your breath they are known to be slow to reply.
Go to home page in the list at the bottom right of the page the last one is contact click on that and up will come a contact form just do the necessary.
Never tried printing because I loaded mine on to a dvd as well as keeping it on my laptop for repair instructions on holiday, the usual time thing decide to give you grief and break down.
Try printing only the pages relating to you toilet. Test one page first to be sure the right page is printed. If you can't select pages do a Prtsc paste into a word page then print out all those pages you copied.
Watch it!
Some times I’ve printed out say page 9 of a camera pdf only to see page 10 printed instead. Don’t ask me why I haven’t a clue. I switch it on type switch it off occasionally look on this forum and my emails. What goes wrong is my sons department being a wiz on computers.
Good luck
August 2014