before you spend $ to fix it, take the handle apart and clean out the water heater with a paperclip! i took 2 hours to clean out every line in my machine and it still didn't spray. i took the next 20 minutes to take the handle apart to get to the heater and cleaned out the unit. put it back together and all is well again! you will need a #2 phillips and a pair of plyers for the hose clamps.
brian fye
April 2007
The pump motor assembly likely needs replaced. They sell for around $25.00 USD + S & H on eBay. (you didn't say which model you had, but, they all seem to be around this amount.) I don't know what the cost direct from Bissell is, or if they are even available. They do have a toll free number if you wanted to check. Bissell Customer Service: (800) 237-7691
December 2006
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