I've sorted it , it took about 10 - 15 minutes using a 14 mm socket. You simply place the socket over the 14 mm nut head that goes through the tensioner bearing, this nut doen't actually turn it just lifts the bearing , it's best to use a long rachet or drive bar as it's quite hard to hold off the tension long enough to get the new belt on as the bearing is sprung loaded, once the belt is on you just release the socket and the bearing just springs back to take up the tension again. I started off using a 14 ring spanner but found it far easier using a 1/2 drive 14 mm socket.. My local garage wanted 45 + vat, the nearest ford garage wanted 1.5 hours labour + vat & belt it cost me £17 for the belt.....and 10 minutes of my time ...
December 2006