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Mend Dimplex Convector Heaters

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Mend > Convector Heaters

Mend Dimplex

What is causing the fan on the Dimple WHT20 to hummmm loudly?

I have had my Dimplex WHT20 for a little over 20 months and for the past 5-6 weeks a rather annoying humming sound appears to being emmited from the fan. It is now loud enough to have become a distraction and has resulted in the fire being turn off more than on.
Any idea please.

May 2013
not much room to play with.. but inserted small rubber grommets. This has certainly reduced the noice to an almost whisper. Satisfied... many thanks.

May 2013
the noise is an electrical magnetic hum,it is caused by the motor stator's proximity with the back of the carcase
One way to reduce it is to mount the fan on small posts ie nuts to increase distance from motor to back panel

May 2013
Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
Click here to mend Dimplex convector heaters

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Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
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