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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Washing Machines

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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius 1100 Drum

how can i fix my hotpoint aquarius 1100 drum(wm63)?

the drum will not turn while in cycle but turns by hand, will not wash or spin but fills and emptys with water ok just makes a noise but nothing happens. please help cheers

April 2004
hi claire, you never sead if the motor is running? coz it could be the drive belt come off ? or more likly is sliping badly?
so why do you keep getting brushes? and they dont cost me that much!!!! if its the motor brushes then it would be makeing funny noises, and it eather would not run at all or weer badly and be very sparky inside, pull the machine out the hole it lives in switch it off and pull the plug out the wall, on the back there are 3 philips heads lift the top off and look inside the motor is right at the top on the right (looking from the frunt)
the drive belt runs iff the moter shaft down to a big pully at the back of the washer, theres also a plate half way down the back held on with 1 philips, if you can hold the moter pully and still turm the big pully tighen the belt, to do thid theres a bolt throgh the moter, (top bolt,) slaken it off then with a broom handel of about a foot long, or a hamer shaft(handel) pull the belt tighter, hold it there and tighen the top bolt again, now pulg in your washer but DONT PUT YOUR HANDS INSIDE IT COZ ITS NOW LIVE, and 230volts BITES LIKE HELL! put in some thing in the drum plug in the drain pipe and set it on a fast spin,
if it works well done you, if on the other hand you can see the motor is not turning or sparks out the motor, it the drushes again, and this will mean that the motor has past its best so dont spend more cash on brushes, fit a second motor, coz to have yours fixed would be to costly, ok! now, go for it yung lady, just dont get bitten?

michael thorpe
May 2005
Could it be the brushes. I have an Aquarius and I am on my 5th set of brushes. They cost about £14.

The symptoms are the machine goes through it's cycle ok but without the drum turning.

April 2004
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Hotpoint Aquarius washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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