Ang' on my crystal ball if fuzzy ah! its begining to clear aaha! there's a message 'You are joking just giving a number and not even what it is'.
Ang' going to my old diary of my old 1960 car I had similar problems.
Aaha! here it is.
1. Check spark plug/s 2. check coil and all spark plug leads lead spark 3. change carborator jets
4. Check the fuel float chamber in the carb it may be punctured so weight instead of floating shutting of fuel. the alternative is replace the float.
5. Air leak into carb base gasket blown on inlet manifold between carb and manifold. Replace gasket.
It ends with if it appens again sell the car someone somewhere in London would want to buy a Buick.
There yer go fella seems like you have a car like I used to av but don't recognize the number.
February 2013